Lips and fingers stained bright red like the color of my burning passion for portable Mexican cuisine. Since Taco Bell broke ground on stoner fusion foods with the nacho cheese Doritos taco, a few locals, Dos Tacos & La Villa to be exact, have been getting in on the fun.
Just saying the phrase 'hot cheeto burrito' gets the salivary glands going. It simply makes sense. So much so, I ask, "what the hell took so long?!"
The cheetos add spice, flavor, and a crunchy texture one rarely experiences in a burrito. (side note: I used to add fried tortilla strips and nacho cheese into my grilled stuffed burrito back in my Taco Bell employee days before they ruined that damned burrito with cilantro rice and cardboard...)
Of course, adding chips to an otherwise not so crunchy meal has been documented in this very blog on the East side of Bakersfield with the carne asada hot dog man crushing up lays as a topping, and who doesn't throw chips on top of their PB&J every now and again?
But here we are, Dos Tacos bringing the fire with their take on the HCB. This isn't my first time at Dos Tacos, nor is it my first time enjoying them. However, this is my first time experiencing the wow from their food. Crunchy-cheesy-salty-spicy explosion right off the get. We're talking flavor assault. It almost made me angry just trying to keep track of all that was going on in this cheeto cornucopia.
How are you going to just kick open the damned door with a packed-to-the-brim-but-not-messy burrito like that?! Look at this beast!

If you're not impressed, I've got nothing for you. The colors in this scream "FIESTA!" The jalapenos pack an even bigger punch, and slathering their dark green sauce in-between bites helps keep things moving.
Make sure you have a big glass of horchata to keep things in perspective. The heat can get away from the uninitiated. If you got a thing for heat like yours truly, then you'll be right at home.
Go eat this damn thing, and I'll tell you about it's cousin from La Villa on another day.